Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Top 5 Indoor Activities

So I did a Top 5 Outdoor why not an indoor one...

1. Playing Board Games - By that of course I mean designer board games, not Monopoly or Checkers.

2. Watching Movies - Although this is one I prefer doing by myself, as I find watching movies quite anti-social and would much prefer playing board games (see #1)

3. Reading - Sure this could be indoors or outdoors, but most often when I read it is indoors on my bed.

4. Computer Stuff - We all do it, browse around, get on Facebook, shop...etc.

5. Play Video Games - Typically a last resort for me, especially if I am by myself, but they are ok from time to time.

I must admit I really wanted to put sleep on here...but decided that was a lame excuse for an activity...even though I do like sleep and my bed pretty good.