- This is a blog of my personal Top 5's of anything really. Circle of fifths is a musical reference to tones and their relationship to major and minor keys, it has absolutely nothing to do with this blog. I simply like music and therefore thought instead of simply circle of fifths in relation to music, but how about a life's circle of fifths in relation to...well, life. So the title works for me, maybe you can accept it.
- Since being a fan of the movie High Fidelity, (a film that not only brings the idea of Top 5 lists to the surface of the character Rob Gordon in his life); I find these lists could not only be peronal and fun but may also inspire others to consider their Top 5 for a proposed list. It might just give not only myself, but others, a chance to better understand themselves and others around them.
- As much as I would like to write a serious blog everyday, I don't find myself having enough drive to keep up with that as an everyday regular routine. This blog, however, I feel I can attempt to post everyday, seeing as it should be relatively short to write and also a short read to anyone that follows.
- No point really here. I'm just going to toss out a Top 5 list idea and post it. What would make this really interesting is if readers would also respond with their own Top 5, and possibly give a suggestion for a future list.
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